Article Review: "Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age" by George Siemens"



In the article “Connectivism: A learning Theory for the Digital Age” George Siemens shares an outstanding view about learning in our digitally developing world. The author argues that conventional ways of learning and teaching that we have been using may not fit well into today’s classes as everything around us is rapidly changing because of technology. Connectivism is the main idea in Siemen’s article meaning that learning does not just happen in our mind individually, rather is spread out through networks. The writer emphasizes the important role of technology, especially internet in establishing connections. Learners can access and share information in a new and fascinating way because of these connections. The significance of networks (both human and technological) were highlighted in the article.

Strong Points

a.      The main opinion that Siemens emphasizes, fits for our digital age. The author deeply understands and admits how technology can effectively change the way we receive and share data. The author can see the special features of the technological century.

b.      The next strength of the article is that it emphasizes the importance of networks. Siemens notes that learning is not about individual learner, it should be about connections we make with other people, information and certainly, technology.

c.      Being an adaptable framework, Connectivism theory is flexible and can be aligned with the changing nature of both this era and technology itself. In the article it is claimed that the way we acquire knowledge always changes and students should handle various sources of information.

 Weak Points

While reading the article, I came across some weak points of the article that were not clearly defined. Although connectivism is a good idea that should be applied into all spheres, the article might not help teachers in real classroom as it lacks clear and practical advice for educators to achieve high effectiveness. It should include some practical strategies, explicit guidance.

In conclusion, “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” by George Siemens is a thought-provoking exploration that has identified some areas that should be changed and needs a dynamic shifting in this digital era. The article urges teachers and researchers to make some critical discussions about integration of education and technology.

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